
What I'm Up To

Preparing To Prepare

Things have calmed down a little after the major loss of a family member, just in time for the beginning of a new school year which marks the start of busier times, despite us having no children of our own. We've decided to hold a small concert near the end of April, which gives us two months to prepare. Here I'm going to bring out the list again:

  1. Contact and assemble performers
  2. Book and liaise with the venue
  3. Choose the theme and repertoire
  4. Design promotional materials
  5. Download, buy, or arrange the music
  6. Distribute the scores
  7. Practise individually
  8. Practise with the assigned groups, i.e. organise the rehearsals
  9. Invite guests and keep a running tally
  10. Write the script for all speech
  11. Print the necessary materials and documents
  12. Plan and pack relevant clothing, instruments, and equipment

Note that everything is mostly done by Aliff, with assistance from me where needed. Some things have already been set in motion. A few of the confirmed performers are feeling hyped already, and their energy is infectious even through a call or text. Personally I love it when other people are more enthusiastic about it than us, because I surely don't have any eagerness of my own. That is to say, I will definitely do my utmost as always, but I no longer have that starry-eyed zeal that I had ten years ago.

One of the performers will be an older gentleman who I've never seen perform in person, but was certainly amazing in his recording done in his budding years. He still has his passion, and I'm totally looking forward to being in an ensemble with him. I will most probably be sharing a desk with a super experienced violinist, though, and this makes me super duper nervous. But as long as I concentrate on how to be in service to the music, everything should be fine.

One thing that's good is that Aliff will have one less major task to multitask during the concert, so he can be 50% less exerted. There will be two of us attempting to be using electric violins in an orchestra setting, and this also makes me nervous because I ended up playing in the dark last time. I'm no Beethoven, I can't play an instrument while not being able to hear what I'm playing.


Runaway [full video]

This song has had free rein in my head recently. It came out in 1980 to promote a media product of the same name, and was the band's first single. I had a listen to several of the old recordings and lives of the song (keywords: masayuki suzuki runaway), but still prefer this particular version from 2024. This is just my opinion, but I like the main singer's vocals much more at 68 than when he was younger; I feel he has much better tone, control, and expression at this age.

This page is designed to be impermanent, meaning its content will be replaced as it is updated. The concept is from nownownow.

Last updated 13th February 2025.