
About This Site

Building this site is a form of creative therapy for me because working with HTML and CSS is like solving a logic puzzle, and there's that wave of satisfaction when the puzzle is solved. Rini button My early forays included Neopets, GeoCities, LiveJournal, Blogger, and Freewebs. I like that there is no one right way to write code in order to achieve the same result, yet precision is important: things will break if there is a single dot missing. Right now this site is a small collection of things I want to share with anyone who wants to see it. I hope to add to it slowly over time. My email is just in case. Thanks for visiting!

Tools And Resources

Some sources were appended directly in the code where applicable.

TXT file tutorials:

And these are invaluable coding references:

Links To Other Sites

The Granny Knot on Ian's Shoelace Site
If you've ever found that your laces tend to come undone and your bow sits like it does in the picture, Professor Shoelace explains why. TLDR: The starting and ending knots need to be opposite of each other to create balance, so if you start left over right, tie the finishing bow right over left.